Calcutta Outdoors, a family of hard-working brands in outdoor gear and apparel that includes names like Star Rods, South Bend and Sea Striker, proudly announces its partnership with GOVX, an exclusive online marketplace for military and first responders. As of Monday, April 15th, verified GOVX members started receiving a 20% discount on all products available at calcuttaoutdoors.com.
This new partnership is a gesture of appreciation towards the brave men and women who serve and protect our communities and country. Calcutta Outdoors is committed to supporting the adventurous spirit of these heroes by ensuring they have access to the best outdoor gear at an exclusive discounted rate. “We are proud to announce this partnership in support of all military and first responders”, says Chris Carlisle, President of Calcutta Outdoors, “Our goal is to deliver hard-working products that reflect the values of our customers and enable them to maximize their free time outdoors. This partnership will help us give back to the dedicated men and women who have committed their lives to helping others.”
Calcutta Outdoors is not a place; it's a promise. Their product designers have been living and breathing their categories for 20 years. If they're offering it, you can bet they're obsessed with it and fully stand behind it. When you're out on the water or in the field and you don't want to take chances with your gear, Calcutta Outdoors says, “Bet on the weather, not your gear.” A consistent best-seller, Calcutta polarized fishing glasses feature 100% UV protection and corrosion resistant coatings to protect their polarized lenses. Calcutta makes other hardworking gear – from their hard-core and high-performance hard-sided coolers to their Deluxe Balloon Tire Surf and Beach Cart – all Calcutta Outdoors products are a practical mix of features, performance, and value making for a great day on the beach or the boat.
GOVX is a dedicated online platform designed specifically for U.S. military, law enforcement, fire, emergency services personnel, and other government agencies. With over 7.5 million pre-verified members, GOVX strives to serve those who serve by providing substantial discounts on more than 3,000 brands. By simplifying the verification process, GOVX makes it easier for these service members to access their benefits and enjoy savings on quality brands and products.
Calcutta Outdoors invites all eligible service members to take advantage of this special offer, which reflects both Calcutta’s and GOVX’s commitment to serving those who dedicate their lives to the service of others.
About Calcutta Outdoors
Calcutta Outdoors is a leading global designer and manufacturer of consumer products for the outdoor sports and recreation market. We provide consumers with a wide range of performance-driven, innovative products, including fishing equipment, sunglasses, coolers, drinkware, outdoor apparel, hunting accessories, paddle sports and marine accessories. Calcutta Outdoors brand portfolio includes Calcutta, Star Rods, Sea Striker, Danielson, South Bend, Ready 2 Fish, Shoreline, and Propel Paddle Gear. Learn more at CalcuttaOutdoorsLLC.com.