Monday, September 18, 2023

Montana State Trails Advisory and Off-Highway Vehicle Advisory Committees Meeting

The State Trails Advisory Committee (STAC) will meet from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. via Zoom. updates to the Recreation Trails Grant Program (RTP) and the Trail Stewardship Grant Program (TSP) for the 2024 grant cycle.

For information on how to join the Zoom meeting, go to

STAC advises FWP on trail issues in Montana, including funding, use and the promotion of recreational trails across land ownership.

Off-Highway Vehicle Advisory Committee to meet Sept. 27

The Montana Off-Highway Vehicle Advisory Committee (OHVAC) will meet from 1 to 4 p.m. via Zoom. The committee will review and discuss updates to the Off Highway Vehicle Grant Program (OHV) and the Summer Motorized Trail Pass Grant Program (SMTP) for the 2024 grant cycle.

For information on how to join the Zoom meeting, go to

OHVAC advises FWP on trail issues in Montana relating to the funding, provision of, development, renovation, maintenance, management, usage and promotion of motorized recreational trails in an environmentally responsible manner on city, county, state, federal and private lands.