Friday, May 26, 2023

Texas: Knife Law Reform Bill Dies in Senate

Knife Rights' Texas Knife Law Reform Bill, HB 1311, died in the Senate again this year, once again the victim of Texas politics having nothing to do with our bill or its subject matter. It's not much solace, but ours was just one of hundreds of bills in both houses of the legislature failed to move as a result of this political infighting and power plays.

We thank our bill authors, Representatives Harold Dutton, Ryan Guillen and Briscoe Cain, for their efforts getting HB 1311 passed out of the House once again with a bipartisan vote.

HB 1311 would have created an exception for two commonly visited places where Location-Restricted Knives (knives over 5 1/2 inches) are banned. Those locations are restaurants and bars that derive 51% of their income from sale or service of alcoholic beverages and amusement parks.

Knife Rights will be back next session in an effort to get this done.