Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Electronic Posting System for Private Land Available

Landowners interested in posting private land electronically for the 2025-26 hunting season can log into My Account on the North Dakota Game and Fish Department website, gf.nd.gov.

Landowners who have a profile on the Game and Fish Department’s mobile application have an option this year to communicate with hunters using their cellphone app. A link will be available for hunters to send a request to the individual posting the land.

The deadline to digitally post land is July 1, which enables Game and Fish to produce print material and digital content prior to hunting seasons that begin in August.

Landowners who enrolled land electronically last year can renew, add or modify posting designations during the enrollment period. Others posting for the first time might need to create a profile. To post land, proceed to the “Land Parcels/Electronic Posting” section at the bottom of the page and click “Search/Renew Land parcels.” The electronic posting system is linked to land descriptions based on county tax parcel information.

The Game and Fish website has complete instructions for landowners, along with frequently asked questions for both landowners and hunters.