Thursday, April 25, 2024

Dorsey Profiles New Zealand as a Hunting and Fishing Paradise in Forbes

Long before Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings trilogy put New Zealand on everyone’s travel list, hunters and anglers long coveted the island nation’s riches of fish and game. It is a sportsman’s Jurassic Park, where beasts grow to near-mythic dimensions and the stunning landscape inspired the fictitious land of Middle-earth.

New Zealand’s temperate climate, rich volcanic soils, lack of apex predators, and lush pasturelands proved the perfect habitat on which to introduce all manner of the Old World’s famous game—especially red deer.

In the early 1900s, the red deer, chamois from the Alps, fallow deer, the large-bodied sambar deer, reclusive rusa stags, Himalayan tahr (a mountain goat-like animal), elk from North America, and wild boar were all brought to New Zealand, a country that originally had but one species of mammal—a bat.

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