Friday, December 13, 2019

Blood Origins Partners with Safari Club International to Champion Hunter’s Rights in 2020

Blood Origins Partners with Safari Club International to Champion Hunter’s Rights in 2020

Blood Origins is excited to announce its partnership with Safari Club International (SCI). Together, they hope to continue to showcase what it truly means to be a hunter by telling the stories behind the hunters themselves.

Blood Origins was founded in 2016 by Robert Kroger. Kroger has a long family history of hunting, beginning with his grandfather in South Africa. Through his entire life, Kroger has had a deep-seated love of hunting sparked by his grandfather and a tradition that he hopes to pass on to his kids. Kroger recognized the need for someone to illuminate the world of hunting, the why behind it, amongst all the backlash that hunters receive for pursuing something that is part of who they are.

“The heart of our community needs to be shown,” says Kroger. He continues, “From young to old, from known to unknown individuals, we had lost the art of showcasing the why behind hunting—the heart of why we do it.”

Over the course of the last three seasons of the Blood Origins project, Kroger has been able to get to the root of the why behind the likes of Will Primos and Jim Shockey alongside other, lesser-known individuals that share the same passion and have their own reasons for carrying on hunting traditions.

“At its core, hunting is a personal journey and Blood Origins excels at drawing out these stories,” explains Chip Hunnicutt, Director of Marketing and Communications at SCI. “The passion of SCI members for wildlife conservation and defending the freedom to hunt springs from this and we are excited to partner with Blood Origins to showcase the personal and environmental significance of hunting.”

“This partnership means everything to us,” explains Kroger. He goes on to say, “SCI is among the top organizations in the world fighting for hunter’s rights and ensuring that our lifestyle lives on through the generations.”

Both the Blood Origins project and Safari Club International have from their inception been a champion for the hunting lifestyle and have been vocal as to the reason behind hunting and why it is so important. This partnership enables the two to join forces for a cause that they both hold in high regard.

Moving into 2020, Blood Origins plans to really raise the bar alongside SCI and explore broader stories and continue to pioneer the preservation of hunting heritage.

To watch full episodes of Blood Origins, please visit