Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Skillset Magazine Summer 2019

(Nashville, Tenn.)

“We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm.” You’ve heard the quote, but have you ever spoken with a man or a woman with the guts and grit to make it happen? Our commitment at Skillset is to bring you stories about patriots who “redefine the alpha lifestyle.”

In a world of fake news and digital censorship, we start out the Summer 2019 issue with a bang. Can a nameless troll behind a keyboard really cause lawlessness and chaos in our society? Is this the end of the First Amendment as we know it? Social and political commentator and Five Finger Death Punch rock star Zoltan Bathory weighs in on this new dawn of propaganda, while Medal of Honor recipient Dakota Meyer waves Old Glory on our cover.

Are you motivated yet? Sit back and enjoy the ride, because we’re just getting started!

First things first … step aside, Rick Grimes. We’re going to tell the story of the “Real Walking Dead,” Vietnam’s bloodiest infantry battalion, and then we parachute feet first into hell’s fury with America’s airborne firefighters.

Next, dust yourself off and take a look inside the closet of a Russian assassin and, after that, read the page-turning story of Frank Hamer. This Texas lawman ruled the Wild West with an iron fist and ended the romance of outlaws Bonnie and Clyde—permanently.

In true Skillset style, we cover everything from rat rods to warfighters, MMA badasses to craftsmen and everything in between. Also, make sure to check out our “Gentlemen’s Club Survival Guide” and “Drinking Games For REAL Men,” so you can start your weekend off right. Beer pong and quarters are for the weak. Skillset sets the bar high, and you’re in for one helluva ride!

This issue of Skillset magazine is now available on newsstands, or you can subscribe anytime by visiting OutdoorGroupStore.com.

The Skillset LIVE podcast series is a weekly podcast where editors Jason Swarr and Ben Tirpak host celebrities, athletes, industry leaders, military and law enforcement heroes to share their stories and opinions of our current social climate in America. Also available is the Center Mass weekly podcast. Hosted by Fred Mastison, Center Mass is a professional's look into guns and the firearms industry. Both podcasts are available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, iHeart Radio and Google Play as well as at Skillsetmag.com/podcasts.

Check out Skillset magazine socially on Instagram at @SkillsetMag or on Facebook.

Athlon Outdoors is the premier content source for the shooting lifestyle, personal defense, tactical and survival audiences. You can find them on Instagram at @AthlonOutdoors. You can also experience Athlon Outdoors content at any of its websites:







Carrie Roeder, Senior Director, Marketing and Operations


