Thursday, September 17, 2020

Pope and Young Club Announces New Records Category

Chatfield, MN - The Pope and Young Club is excited to announce that non-typical Sitka blacktail deer (hard antlered and velvet) will now be accepted as a new category within the Pope and Young Club Records Program.

The Pope and Young Club Records Committee thoroughly researched the feasibility of adding this new category. The committee subsequently recommended that the Pope and Young Board approve the new category. The Board and voting membership recently approved the proposal, allowing non-typical Sitka Blacktail to be accepted into the Records Program effective immediately and retroactively.

“The Sitka blacktail deer was the only deer species that we did not have a non-typical category for,” said Roy Grace, Records Chair for the Pope and Young Club. “The Boone and Crockett Club had already established this category. All of the data we received during the research phase of this proposal suggested that enough non-typical Sitka blacktail deer existed to warrant a category to recognize these magnificent animals.”

The minimum score required for non-typical Sitka blacktail entry into the P&Y Records Program will be 85 inches, with at least 5 inches of abnormal points. This is yet another step that the Pope and Young Club has made to be more inclusive and receptive to current and prospective P&Y members.

The Pope and Young Club is a non-profit North American conservation and bowhunting organization dedicated to the promotion and protection of bowhunting by striving to increase awareness and appreciation of bowhunting foundations, principles, and values. The Pope and Young Club is focused on Fair Chase hunting ethics that support the ethical pursuit of free-ranging, wild game animals without unfair advantage while promoting the conservation of both habitat and wildlife. The Club also maintains the universally recognized repository of records and statistics on North American big game animals harvested with a bow and arrow.

Pope and Young Club • Ph: 507.867.4144

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Media contact Rick Mowery at, Ph: 989.884.3800