Monday, December 5, 2016

Gun Owners Take Offense at Remarks by Levis CEO

West Bend, WI – The United States Conceal Carry Association responded to Levi Strauss & Co. CEO Chip Bergh who posted an open letter to customers, asking law-abiding citizens to refrain from bringing their concealed carry firearms into Levi Strauss stores. Bergh said his letter represents a "request" rather than a "mandate" or all-out ban, but he hopes customers will honor the request and enter Levi Strauss stores unarmed. Bergh suggested that the recent terrorist attacks in Nice, Orlando and Paris played a role in the decision to make this statement.

The next day, the New York Times editorialized that the self-defense argument in favor of the right to carry a concealed weapon is nothing more than a "myth."

United States Concealed Carry Association Founder & President Tim Schmidt has released the following statement in response:

"The statements made by both of these organizations are irresponsible and insulting. As responsible, law-abiding gunowners, we know the powerful deterrent effect that responsible gun ownership has on criminals looking to commit acts of violence. You may not need a gun to try on a pair of jeans, but you may need one if a criminal enters the store seeking to harm you and your family. In fact, the CEO of Levi Strauss is suggesting that his stores become voluntary "gun free zones." We know that these areas can easily make innocent citizens the target of those who are hunting for unarmed victims to prey upon."

"It is also simply false for the New York Times to describe as a myth the widespread use of concealed weapons in the name of self-defense. Many of our members owe their lives to the fact that they could defend themselves when threatened by a criminal wishing to do them harm. Ask the number of people saved because law-abiding citizens carried concealed weapons whether or not the New York Times is right."

The U.S. Concealed Carry Association (USCCA) provides education, training and self-defense insurance to responsible, American gun owners. Headquartered in West Bend, WI, the USCCA is the largest and fastest-growing, member-owned, private association whose sole focus is the responsibly armed American.

For more information, please contact or call 224-723-8688.