Friday, November 14, 2014

"America Recycles Day" Celebrated in Vermont

MONTPELIER, VT-Aside from seeing plenty of hunters' plaid and blaze orange this Saturday, Vermonters may notice another trend buzzing in the air. Recent campaign lawn signs at various residences in Lamoille County will be replaced with grassy green "I heart recycling" lawn declarations. Facebook friends and Twitter followers in Chittenden County will be posting photos of themselves stating their top reason for recycling, and recycling chatter will be heard on 92.9 FM for those tuning in on Saturday morning.

Why the hype? November 15th is "America Recycles Day," a nationally recognized day dedicated to promoting and celebrating the collective recycling efforts of millions of Americans. A handful of Vermont businesses and organizations will be promoting recycling in Vermont by hosting collection events that reward local efforts.

"Vermont is leading the country in recycling and reuse policies and programs," said Agency of Natural Resources Secretary Deb Markowitz. "We have a lot to celebrate."

There is another motivating reason to bring attention to recycling in Vermont this year. Under Vermont's Universal Recycling law, by July 1, 2015, recyclables will be banned from landfills. Pick up and drop off services will continue to provide recycling collection to residents, ensuring a smooth transition. The recycling rate in Vermont has stagnated over the last decade around 30-35%. The Agency's goal is to boost that rate to 50% by 2020.

"Businesses and solid waste districts play a critical role in increasing recycling rates," said Markowitz. "That's why they'll be out on this chilly November Saturday collecting and promoting recycling. Folks should swing by a collection center for coffee and donuts and to learn more about this important topic."

Myers Container Service will provide free collection of recyclables, food scraps, leaf and yard waste, and electronics for one day at their facility in Colchester. Lamoille Regional Solid Waste District will offer warm treats at their Drop-Off Center in Worcester, and will have an ongoing raffle for a contained backyard unit that handles food waste. Coffee and donuts will also be available at Chittenden Solid Waste District's drop-off center in Richmond, which is offering its own creative incentive to honor the blue bin.

Jeff Myers, President of Myers Container Service, discussing his part in increasing Vermont recycling, states "Myers Container is dedicated to sustainability and innovation."

For more details on the location and times of America Recycles Day events, see the list below or follow this link.

• America Recycles Day Celebration @ Myers Recycling Center with Star 92.9 FM

218 Red Can Drive, Colchester, VT 05446. 8:00am-12:00pm.

• "I Recycle Because..." Contest and Celebration @ CSWD Richmond Drop-Off Center

80 Rogers Lane, Richmond, VT 05477. 8:00am-3:30pm.

• Celebrating America Recycles Day @ Lamoille Waste District's Worcester Transfer Station

Calais Road, Worcester, VT 05682. 9:00am-1:00pm.

America Recycles DaySM is a national program of Keep America Beautiful, and is the only nationally recognized day and community-driven awareness event dedicated to promoting and celebrating recycling in the U.S. Since its inception in 1997, communities across the country have participated in America Recycles Day on November 15 to educate, promote environmental citizenship, and encourage action. Learn more at

Contacts: Deb Markowitz

Cathy Jamieson