Wednesday, February 29, 2012

No Paved Road to Freedom Selected as Book of the Month

Kimberling City, MO - The Military Writers Society of America (MWSA) selected Sharon Rushton's book No Paved Road To Freedom as their Book of the Month for February 2012.

MWSA reviewer Weymouth Symmes said, "No Paved Road to Freedom by Sharon Rushton is a gripping page-turner about one man's quest for freedom against overwhelming odds. It is an inspirational story about a remarkable man who gave up everything (family, career, fiancée) to escape the horrors of communism. Sharon's book is also a cautionary tale of what governments can do in the guise of "helping" their people. Sharon's story brings the horrors of the purges down to the individual and family level. It is a remarkable and powerful book.

"No Paved Road to Freedom is listed as a fictionalized historical biography. It is the story of Cornel Dolana, a real person who escaped Communist Romania. Sharon has done her homework; the book is based on many hours of interviews with her subject, and is backed by solid historical research.

"Sharon Rushton's book should be widely read. It is a reminder of how easy our life is, but how fragile and precious our freedoms are. Either the soft tyranny of the welfare state or the hard tyranny of communism erode freedom and take away initiative. This would be a particularly instructive book for high school students; it would be a revelation for them," Symmes concluded.

No Paved Road To Freedom is available in paperback and as an eBook at and