Friday, May 22, 2020

Arkansas Corps closes Piney Bay and Shoal Bay swim beaches until further notice

RUSSELLVILLE, Ark. - The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Russellville Project Office has closed the swimming areas at Piney Bay and Shoal Bay parks located on Lake Dardanelle, until further notice. The temporary closure is the result of higher than acceptable E-Coli levels that were found during routine testing conducted by the Arkansas Department of Health.

The Corps has posted signs indicating high bacteria levels at these locations. Swimming is not recommended in areas with high bacteria levels.

Testing will continue on a daily basis, and the swim beaches will be re-opened as soon as test results indicate it is safe to do so.

Corps employees are working to determine the source of the higher levels, but believe the high amounts of rainfall this spring is a contributing factor.

For more information, please contact the Russellville Site Office at 501-340-1762.

Recreation information can be found on the Internet at, on Facebook at, and on Twitter at


Contact: Public Affairs, 501-324-5551
Media after hours: 501-563-6835