Thursday, May 7, 2020

Professional Fly Angler Meredith McCord on Christian Outdoors Podcast

Taylors, SC, (May 7, 2020) Christian Outdoors Podcast: One of the fastest growing podcasts in its space is pleased to have as a guest for a two-part podcast professional fly angler and holder of over 190 IGFA world records, Ms. Meredith McCord.

Meredith McCord is a Professional Fly angler, with over 190 IGFA world records to her credit. She is also a trip host, entrepreneur and Christian.

In part 1 of this interview, host Pete Rogers discusses with Meredith her entry into fishing, her life as a successful entrepreneur and what it’s like to chase world records with fly tackle. The discussion also goes into her passion for missions, and some of the experiences she has had working across the globe on mission trips to help others and spread the gospel.

“Meredith McCord is candid, honest and refreshing.” Says Rogers. “Talking with her is as easy as it comes, and her stories are thrilling and captivating.”

McCord has traveled the world chasing fly fishing records and since 2012 has captured 190+ world records. But she is so much more than this, her passion for Christ is infectious and sincere and here at Christian Outdoors we strive to discuss all things outdoors and how we can enjoy God every day. Meredith epitomizes this in her daily walk.

The podcast is available through all podcast outlets and is available through the website

About Pete Rogers:

Pete Rogers earned his BA from the University of South Carolina and a Masters in Divinity from Erskine Theological Seminary. Over nineteen years ago Pete began merging his love for writing with his love of the outdoors. He has hunted many species across North America.

Currently Pete publishes over one hundred and twenty articles, and four hundred photographs annually for numerous publications. He is a member of the Professional Outdoor Media Association (POMA) Southeastern Outdoor Press Association (SEOPA) and is past President and former Chairman of the Board of the South Carolina Outdoor Press Association. (SCOPe)

Pete’s stories and photographs have earned over fifty awards in literary and photographic competitions. His two outdoors books Times Well Spent: Ramblings from a Sportsman’s Life (2012) and So, You Want to Hunt Turkeys? (2019) each have each been awarded the “Best Outdoor Book” Awards. In 2017 he was given a Pinnacle award by the Professional Outdoor Media Association.

Pete conducts seminars annually about Outdoor Careers, writing, hunting, and trapping. Currently he resides in Taylors, SC.

If you would like to have him speak at your next event, he can be contacted at, or through his website,