Tuesday, May 21, 2019

This Weekend on Northwestern Outdoors Radio

This Memorial Day weekend on Northwestern Outdoors Radio we are going fishing out of Neah Bay, Washington with Tom Burlingame, the owner of Excel Fishing Charters. Tom will not only talk about the bottomfish we are after, but also about the great opportunities for halibut and a promising coho salmon season. Bob Loomis with Mack's Lure gives you his top Kokanee lake for each of our greater northwestern states and then we'll shift gears to focus on two organizations getting our veteran's outdoors as a way to help them heal. Randy Shelton, the co-founder of Salmon for Soldiers, previews the Day of Honor coming up in Washington's Puget Sound this September and Micah Clark, the founder of Camp Patriot in Montana, talks about the programs he offers disabled veterans on and off the ranch that include fishing, hunting and other adventures. http://www.northwesternoutdoors.com