Tuesday, November 6, 2018

TRCP Reminds Anglers and Hunters to Vote for the Outdoors

Today is Election Day, and we hope you’re as charged up as we are to cast your vote on behalf of our public lands, waters, fish, wildlife and outdoor opportunities. Our voices shape the policies affecting America’s backcountry lands and our access to them. Tomorrow is an opportunity for all of us to be heard.

Not all Americans are as engaged, though. Voter turnout for midterm elections is typically abysmal. Nearly two-thirds of eligible voters stayed home during the last midterm election.

Don’t choose to be silent. That’s not the BHA way.

When you do vote, celebrate it! Check out BHA’s “I Voted Public Lands & Waters” social media graphics below. Use these in your Facebook and Instagram feeds. Share them with friends and family.

A few more helpful resources: