Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Talking Mule Deer Episode 16

National Deer Alliance | NDA -

Nick Pinizzotto & MDF's Montana Regional Director


Chad Klinkenborg



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On this episode of Talking Mule Deer, Steve talks to National Deer Alliance CEO Nick Pinizzotto and MDF’s Montana Regional Director Chad Klinkenborg. Nick talks about what the National Deer Alliance (NDA) is and how it is working for all deer species and those that love to hunt deer across the country. He outlines a number of the key issues impacting deer including NDA’s top two priorities of chronic wasting disease (CWD) and hunter access. Regarding CWD, he talks about what hunters can do to help with CWD surveillance as well as understanding about transporting game across state lines and considerations about consuming affected deer. Klinkenborg talks about efforts in Montana after CWD was identified in the state within the last year. He talks about some of the surveillance efforts that Montana has undertaken in areas with suspected CWD and that MDF has provided funding to Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks to help with detection. Nick also talks about MDF’s engagement on the NDA with MDF President Miles Moretti currently serving as board chairman which has helped to ensure that NDA is an all-deer national organization.