Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Visit the ElimiShield ATA Booth to Stop the Show Crud this Year

DANVILLE, Ala. (Jan 8, 2019) — Each year hundreds of Archery Trade Association attendees leave the show with more than they bargained for—the dreaded “Show Crud.” It seems almost impossible to escape contact with the dreaded crud with attendees traveling from all over the world to attend the ATA Show, bringing with them all their wares, as well as unwanted colds and viruses that spread faster than good gossip at an after-show party. This infamous “Show Crud” can put quite a damper on your show experience and your return to home and work.

Lucky for everyone at ATA, ElimiShield® will have a sample kiosk at booth #1249 to provide samples of its FDA-compliant CORE™ Body Foam. Simply rub a squirt or two into your hands a few times each day to help stay crud-free. The same direct-to-skin technology that works so effectively to kill the bacteria that causes human odor also kills various germs that gang up to become the dreaded “Show Crud”. Regular alcohol-based hand sanitizers only work on initial contact, but ElimiShield® HUNT CORE™ Body Foam works on initial contact and keeps on working throughout the day, long after traditional hand sanitizers have evaporated.

Don’t rely on old, unreliable products to keep you crud-free during ATA. Just stop by booth #1249 as often as you’d like to ensure your hands and face are germ free; there is no charge. Hug and shake hands fearlessly.

About ElimiShield Scent Control Technology

The patented, proprietary, nanotechnology formula in ElimiShield® HUNT CORE™ Body Foam was originally developed for disease and infection control in the healthcare and institutional environments. The technology also proves to eliminate odors, as the complex ElimiShield® molecule bonds naturally to skin as well as most porous and nonporous surfaces. It leaves a microscopically abrasive shield that eliminates odor-causing particles on contact. This mechanism is far superior to other methods that either poison bacteria or attempt to absorb human odors after they form. In addition to the nanotechnology, certain ElimiShield® products include bio-based ingredients to neutralize malodors that are encountered in the field, ensuring all surfaces remain scent-free. Hunter Safety System, the industry leader in treestand safety, is the exclusive distributor of ElimiShield Hunt products to the outdoor industry. For information on this line, contact Hunter Safety System, 8237 Danville Road, Danville, AL 35619; call toll-free 877-296-3528; or visit www.ElimiShieldHunt.com.

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Editorial Contact:

Karen Lutto (830) 755-4308


Mike Nischalke (703) 380-3595


HOC Website: www.hunteroc.com