Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Young grizzly removed from Eastern Idaho and sent to a wildlife sanctuary

Idaho Fish and Game removed a third bear (two grizzlies, one black bear) from the wild in Eastern Idaho this summer because the bears were attracted to food left out by people. In early September, a young grizzly bear was trapped and later transferred to a Texas wildlife sanctuary, where it will remain.

The grizzly bear population and grizzly range has increased in Southeast Idaho over the last 20 years, but despite the increase, conflicts in recent years have been relatively low. However, Fish and Game has recently had to respond to an increase in bear conflicts, most of which involved homeowners and campers leaving food and other attractants unsecured, such garbage, bird feed and more.

Unlike the first two bears that were lethally removed this summer in Eastern Idaho, the most recent bear was relocated on Sept. 4 to the International Exotic Animal Sanctuary in Texas.