Thursday, December 5, 2019

GunMag TV Continues Shooting Improvement Series

GunMag TV, GMW's YouTube channel, continues to add to its lineup of videos. The most recent episode, Stop Moving the Gun, is about mitigating unwanted handgun movement during and immediately after the trigger press.

In this video, GMW’s Daniel Shaw discusses the “one live one dry” handgun drill. That handgun wants to move an equal and opposite distance to the direction the recoil travels. A good shooter is aware of this and will work to compensate for any negative effects that movement has on your accuracy and cadence.

Shaw says, “I have no idea where it originated, but it’s a solid drill that works a little manipulation, requires the shooter to re-form a firing grip, which is a needed skill for newer shooters in particular and it gets most people catching themselves moving the gun while they are pressing the trigger."

Read more about these pistol shooting drills on The Mag Life or watch the video on GunMag TV:


About The Mag Life was founded in 2012 with the simple goal of keeping every magazine currently in production, in-stock and ready to ship. GunMag Warehouse has the largest selection of magazines anywhere.

The Mag Life is more than the GunMag Warehouse blog. It's the distilled essence of the idea of enthusiastic and responsible gun ownership and the firearms-related lifestyle that accompanies it. Our goal is to provide current, relevant, engaging content to our readers while helping educate our customers so they can make the best buying choice for their needs - whether from us or somewhere else. We feel that providing quality information and a sense of community is a vital part of any pro-Second Amendment effort. This philosophy guides everything we do. Content includes coverage of weapons like the Ruger Precision Rimfire and the AA12 Shotgun and weekly summaries of industry-wide gun news.


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Contact: Daniel Shaw
Director of Marketing
GunMag Warehouse
