Thursday, April 18, 2024

PTR Industries Will Attend CanCon Arizona

PTR™ Industries will be at CanCon Arizona hosted by Recoil from April 18-20. The show will be held in Phoenix, AZ at The Ben Avery Shooting Facility. If you are attending be sure to stop by and visit.

“CANCON is a fully-suppressed range day & gun show rolled into one. Shooting lanes sponsored by the best manufacturers in the industry will feature hundreds of the newest and best suppressors, firearms & optics for you to get hands-on trigger time. Your entry ticket gets you unlimited shooting at every lane.” – Recoil

PTR™ will be showcasing our new line of VENT Suppressors along with some of our iconic line of roller-delayed blowback firearms, and Archon Firearms™ Pistols By PTR™.

To learn more about PTR Industries please visit PTR™ Industries - Roller-Delayed Blowback Firearms, Suppressor, and Handgun Manufacturer in South Carolina. ( and follow us on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter.

PTR™ is a South Carolina based manufacturer of one of the most globally recognized and iconic platforms ever produced, roller-delayed blowback firearms. Over the last two decades PTR™ has built a high-performance manufacturing facility and a team of experts that takes pride in developing dependable firearms. PTR™ Industries continues to grow, expand and innovate, most recently with the release of an industry leading suppressor and handgun line.