Thursday, January 10, 2019

Government Shutdown Impacting Boating Industry, Says NMMA

The federal government remains closed as we begin the new year. Congress and the administration have failed to reach a deal that will reopen the government and restore funding to nine of fifteen agencies, including ones important to the recreational boating industry such as the Department of the Interior and the Department of Commerce.

As a result of the shutdown, both agencies have furloughed a significant chunk of their workforce. Furthermore, the shutdown has restricted access to the nation’s public lands and waters and imperiled important funding aimed at calculating the positive economic contributions of boating and fishing.

NMMA is calling on Congress and the administration to quickly reach a deal that ends the government shutdown and restores critical funding to government agencies. For more information, please contact NMMA senior vice president of government relation and legal affairs, Nicole Vasilaros at or NMMA director of federal affairs, Lance West at