Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Indiana: 2 felting workshops at Salamonie

Find your artistic side with Salamonie Lake’s felting workshops.

Participants will create a soft owl from felted wool with help of a fiber artist at both events. The first is Jan. 27, from 1 to 2:30 p.m. The second is Feb. 20, from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Both workshops will take place at Salamonie Nature Center. Space is limited.

Participants will meet a live owl from the Salamonie Raptor Center during the workshop.

Featured Indiana fiber artist Lena Gray, a 20-year veteran of this medium, will lead the workshop. The program is part of Salamonie’s Nature Art Designs series, which is made possible by the Friends of the Upper Wabash Interpretive Services through a grant from the Indiana Arts Commission.

Cost is $35 per person and includes all supplies.

Advance registration is requested by Jan. 22 by calling 260-468-2127.

Salamonie Lake (on.in.gov/salamonielake) is at 9214 West-Lost Bridge West, Andrews, 46702.

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Media contact: Teresa Rody, interpretive naturalist, Upper Wabash Interpretive Services, 260-468-2127.