Thursday, May 9, 2019

Can-Am Expands Defender Farm Test Program in U.S. and Canada

Can-Am is expanding its popular Defender Farm Test Program, which allows farmers and landowners to personally experience how a Can-Am Defender can help them on their property.

The program is now available in five states, including Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, Indiana, and Ohio. It is also available in Quebec, Manitoba, Ontario, Saskatchewan, and Alberta.

The Defender Farm Test Program is free of charge, and includes a 24-hour test of a Can-Am Defender. To make it as convenient as possible, the vehicle is dropped off and picked up.

People can click the applicable link below to register for the Defender Farm Test Program.

·Great Lakes (Indiana, Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, Ohio)

·Canada (Alberta, Saskatchewan, Ontario, Manitoba, Quebec)

The Can-Am Defender lineup can tow up to 2,500-lb, and has up to 1,000-lb cargo box payload capacity. The Defender also features a tight turning radius, removable storage options, and different drive modes to get over any terrain.

For more information on all Can-Am vehicles, visit

For information:

Andrew Howard

Media and Public Relations, Howard Communications, Inc.

Tel: 573-898-3422