Thursday, December 5, 2019

Joe Dawson Joins Mag Life "Stable"

(Miami, FL)

Former NSW instructor and longtime writer now with The Mag Life

The Mag Life, the official online publication of GunMag Warehouse is proud to share the news that Joseph Dawson, USN (Ret.), is now counted among its stable of writers. The former sailor, who now runs Bruiser Industries, left the Navy as a CPO (SOC) having spent the bulk of his career in Naval Special Warfare billets.

He's a self-described "...Padrón smoking, bourbon-loving, a wrench-turning gearhead..." who shoots PRS, ELR, 3-Gun, IDPA, and USPSA when time permits. During his career, Dawson deployed to Afghanistan, Iraq, and various AOs in the Pacific. From 2011 to 2013 he was the lead PO in charge of Land Warfare Training, and later ran the Naval Special Warfare [SEAL] Sniper School for 3 years.

Now, happily, he's writing for Mag Life. His first article, SHOOTING ELR (Extreme Long Range), is about the Applied Ballistics 375 EnABELR (q.v.).

Dawson joins other recent additions Peter Suciu, Michael Kupari, and Chris Tran in writing for GMW's Mag Life.

Read Dawson's articles (and many others), on The Mag Life. There we endeavor to bring quality information, ours and that of other publications and SMEs, to an active and engaged readership. GunMag Warehouse is online at gunmagwarehouse(dot)com/.


About The Mag Life

The Mag Life is more than the GunMag Warehouse blog. It's the distilled essence of the idea of enthusiastic and responsible gun ownership and the firearms-related lifestyle that accompanies it. Our goal is to provide current, relevant, engaging content to our readers while helping educate our customers so they can make the best buying choice for their needs - whether from us or somewhere else. We feel that providing quality information and a sense of community is a vital part of any pro-Second Amendment effort. This philosophy guides everything we do. Content includes articles of such varying topics as a SIG P365 review to an exhaustive look at all the John Wick guns. was founded in 2012 with the simple goal of keeping every magazine currently in production, in-stock and ready to ship: need a mag for your Kel Tec P3AT? Got you covered. Looking for a STANAG magazine? We can take care of you. GunMag Warehouse has the largest selection of magazines anywhere. Follow us: @gunmagwarehouse on Twitter; /gunmagwarehouse/ on Facebook. Connect on IG, @gunmagwarehouse.

Contact: Daniel Shaw
Director of Marketing
GunMag Warehouse
