Monday, July 15, 2019

Montana: Restore Wildlife Bill Would Aid Wildlife in State

Contact: Dave Chadwick, Montana Wildlife Federation, 406-458-0227,

Today the Recovering America’s Wildlife Act was introduced in Congress to help address and reverse America’s wildlife crisis. The bipartisan legislation, which has 60 original cosponsors from both parties, would fund efforts to help recover thousands of fish and wildlife species that are in need of conservation.

The bill would provide funding to the Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks and state wildlife agencies across the nation for on-the-ground action targeted at at-risk species. The bill would fund habitat protection, data collection, restoration, and other interventions to prevent fish and wildlife from becoming endangered.

The Recovering America's Wildlife Act is modeled after the 80+ year-old Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration Act, which provides funding to state fish and wildlife agencies for management of deer, elk, and other game species. The bill also provides funding for tribal governments for wildlife management programs on tribal land.

"At a time when our political system is so polarized, wildlife conservation is something that can bring Republicans and Democrats together," said Dave Chadwick, executive director of the Montana Wildlife Federation. "Congress has a real opportunity to make concrete progress on an issue that is important to hunters, anglers, wildlife-watchers across Montana and the nation."

“More than one-third of all wildlife species in the United States are at-risk or vulnerable to extinction. If we are serious about saving our wildlife heritage, we must invest in on-the-ground solutions that match the magnitude of the crisis,” said Collin O’Mara, president and CEO of the National Wildlife Federation. “We can overcome America’s wildlife crisis by restoring and reconnecting habitat, removing invasive species, eradicating wildlife diseases, reducing pollution, and mitigating climate impacts — the future of the natural world depends upon us.

A copy of the new bill is attached. (A bill number will be available shortly)