Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Wyoming: new chief of services appointed at Game and Fish

The Wyoming Game and Fish Department has a new chief of the services division. Eric Wiltanger joined the Department in September, coming from the Wyoming Division of Criminal Investigation.

CHEYENNE - The Wyoming Game and Fish Department has a new chief of the services division. Eric Wiltanger joined the Department in September, coming from the Wyoming Division of Criminal Investigation.

“I’m passionate about Wyoming and the state’s wildlife. I am honored to be able to assume this role and work alongside a team of people who are dedicated to the outdoor resource. With more people heading outdoors, I’m looking forward to working on projects that enhance the hunting, fishing and wildlife viewing opportunities in our state,” Wiltanger said.

Wiltanger is an established leader in Wyoming and brings decades of diverse experience to Game and Fish. He formerly worked at the Wyoming Division of Criminal Investigation DCI for eight years, most recently as the deputy director. Wiltanger served as a Security Forces member in the United States Air Force for 20 years and as a Unit Manager for the Wyoming Department of Corrections. Wiltanger holds a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and an Associate’s degree in Criminal Justice.

“Eric adds a great skill set to team Game and Fish and he will be an asset to the Department as we work on top-priority projects like the construction of our new Cody Regional Office and maintaining our Game and Fish lands,” said Brian Nesvik, Game Fish director.

The Game and Fish services division oversees and maintains Commission-owned lands, property and infrastructure throughout the state, information technology, habitat and access, conservation engineering and the Wildlife Forensics and Fish Health Laboratory.