Monday, June 3, 2019

Florida's Gulf Reef Fish Survey Seeks Fishery Info

Improving recreational fisheries data – how you can help

Gulf Reef Fish Survey, iAngler, dockside interviews

Information: There are several ways you can help FWC improve recreational fisheries data. If you are fishing for red snapper or other reef fish in the Gulf, don’t forget you are required to have Gulf Reef Fish Angler on your fishing license (even for those 65 and older). Gulf Reef Fish Anglers may be selected to receive a fishing survey in the mail. If you receive a survey, please return it to us, even if you didn’t fish for reef fish. The iAngler app, created by the Angler Action Foundation, is also a great way to share information about your catch, whether it is red snapper or red drum. Learn more about how to use this app by joining our webinar at 6 p.m. Monday, June 10, at And finally, no matter if you’ve responded to a survey or logged your catch on iAngler, if FWC staff approach you at the dock asking for details about your fishing trip, please share. Your participation helps scientists and managers monitor harvest, assess fisheries, and understand more about your experience on the water.

Links for more information:

Gulf Reef Fish Survey []

iAngler []