Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Everglades National Park Officially Launches Boater Education Program

On August 1, Everglades National Park will officially launch its boater education program, an online safety requirement for operators within the park waters. This new tool is part of the updated General Management Plan (GMP), completed in 2015, that identified a park specific need to better educate and train boaters on the unique waters and landscape of Everglades National Park.

NMMA collaborated with the Park during the GMP process, and while was initially hesitant to require the boater course, the association felt the finalized product was a reasonable solution to keep boaters out on the water and address needed training in the unique Everglades waters.

The training course was developed in consultation with several industry stakeholders and has been available for the past year, with over 4,000 boaters completing it. For more information on the GMP and the required course, click here: https://www.nps.gov/ever/learn/news/everglades-boater-education-program-goes-into-effect-aug-1.htm.