Monday, October 26, 2020

"A Sapir Sampler: Favorites by an Outdoor Writer" Winis NYSOWA Award

At the virtual Awards Ceremony of the New York State Outdoor Writers Association held on Thursday, Oct. 22, “A Sapir Sampler: Favorites by an Outdoor Writer,” received the organization’s coveted first-place Excellence in Craft Award in the Book Category, for books published in 2018 and 2019.

“A Sapir Sampler,” published by Ashmark Communications, Inc., is a collection of 166 previously published articles and one brand-new article by veteran outdoor communicator Glenn Sapir. After the book leads off with a short biography of the author, touching mainly on his development as a writer, sections are organized into Family and Friends, Destinations and Adventures, Interesting People and A Mixed Bag.

“In my 50-plus-year career I have had the opportunity to travel the continent and beyond, enjoying the outdoor pursuits I love and meeting fascinating people along the way,” Sapir said. “And as much as I enjoyed doing these things and getting to know these folks, I loved just as much chronicling the adventures and encounters. I have had more than a thousand articles published in magazines and newspapers, and it was both fun and a challenge to select a large sampling of some of my favorites. When I was finished, ‘A Sapir Sampler’ was packed with 167 articles filling 473 pages.”

Sapir began his career in 1970 on the staff of Outdoor Life Magazine, and before he retired from full-time work as Director of Editorial Services for the National Shooting Sports Foundation in 2014, he had served as an editor of all of the then Big Three outdoor magazines—Field & Stream and Sports Afield, along with Outdoor Life— wrote the outdoor column for a prominent group of Gannett newspapers for 27 years, authored two books, provided his expertise to a highly respected encyclopedia and produced hundreds of articles for outdoor publications on behalf of NSSF. He continues as a freelancer and a regularly contributing columnist for New York Outdoor News.

This 2020 edition of the Excellence in Craft Award is a hen wood duck carved and painted by renowned artist Bill Suitor, mounted on a handsome wood block, with an engraved plate denoting the honor.

“A Sapir Sampler: Favorites by an Outdoor Writer” is available only from the author for $29.95 plus $5 for shipping. Checks or money orders can be sent to Ashmark Communications, Inc., 21 Shamrock Dr., Putnam Valley, NY 10579.
