Friday, August 3, 2018

QUWF Jr. Bison Fishing Team Competes in First National Tournament

Buffalo, MO: “What started as a local QUWF chapter idea to get more of our local youth outdoors and involved at both the high school and Jr. levels, yielded fantastic results as we had one team qualified and fishing the BassMasters JR. National Championship in Nashville TN. This week saw Kaden Abmeyer, Blake Louderbaugh and their great mentor and boat captain Drew Simon compete in a 54 boat field with qualifiers from all over the nation” states Craig Alderman of QUWF. “We could not be more proud of these kids as they represent the new effort of “clean streams” and embracing the outdoor lifestyle through youth fishing with QUWF.  More important, they literally stood on a national stage with ESPN TV coverage and called out their local community of Buffalo and the support provided to them. These kids rock” Alderman pointed out.

“A very special thank you to the MS Propane Company of Buffalo, MO, they are first class. Drew Simon and Drew Sanford, of MS Propane, provided the fantastic, fully wrapped tournament boat and equipment for the boys to compete in and the expert experience to guide them through their very first national fishing tournament, televised on ESPN to boot” says Christine Abmeyer Chair of the local QUWF chapter and leader of the QUWF Bison Fishing Team efforts in Buffalo. “It is no small task taking time off to trailer the boat to Nashville, fuel it, guide and mentor them for the experience of a lifetime, then bring it back to the Buffalo area. We believe this is a first for Buffalo youth and we hope our community will recognize the dedication MS Propane and QUWF provided and support them” Abmeyer commented.

The Team of Abmeyer and Lauderbaugh ranked 25th out of 54 boats the first day of competition and finished the final day of fishing in 31st place out of 54. “This is a fantastic showing for their first ever exposure to a national, televised, spot light. The Team finished with 8 lbs 7oz with both boys catching many bass. The Bison Team Facebook site had continual updates on the team’s progress. The tournament lasts three full days, the first day is pre-fishing, then two days of actual tournament fishing, a grueling pace for the strongest of anglers.

Kaden, Blake and their Captain for the tournament, Drew Simon of MS Propane in Buffalo are pictured with their tournament boat. Living a dream of a lifetime and putting Buffalo on the map as only our youth can do.

“We want this to be a beginning and set a stage for others to follow each year and expand the concept to other chapters of QUWF nation-wide” Craig emphasized. The Bison Fishing Team in Buffalo has a pond restoration project next on their list, they are learning hands on conservation of our “Clean Streams” as well as the pure joy of Fishing.

We encourage everyone to get our youth outdoors. To join the QUWF efforts at the local level, check out the web site at, wildlife habitat and clean streams matter.