Monday, July 15, 2019

Tampa Bay Fishing Club Offers Scholarships to Florida Fantasy Fishing Camp

This is an amazing experience for a child, which includes several private days offshore with Hubbards Marina, hands-on seminars, fishing and marine related activities, conferences with fwc, and so much more making memories for a lifetime! Each winning kid will receive over 1k in value! Tampa Bay Fishing Club will also donate a combo, gear, and swag to each winner.

We only have three scholarships to give away, and this year we are asking kids make a short video submission to the page explaining why you want to take part in fishing camp this year.

Either go live on Tampa Bay fishing club with your video, or upload your video submission on the page. Parents are encouraged to be involved with the video, introduce yourselves to the community, and let us know what makes you passionate about fishing,

Please add hashtag #FFFC to your submission

Here's where to submit your entry:

Here's info on the camp: