Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Alaska: Learn How to Get Involved in Changing Fishing Regulations

(Anchorage) - Have you always wondered why some fisheries are regulated the way they are? Is there a regulation you have been wanting to see change? Are you just looking to understand how regulations are made and why some are so confusing? If you answered yes to any of these questions, we encourage you to join us at our next Fishery Forum!

Join Alaska Board of Fisheries Executive Director Glenn Haight at the William Jack Hernandez Sport Fish Hatchery (WJHSFH) on Wednesday, March 13, 2019, from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. for a seminar on how you can influence fishing regulations! This seminar will be held in the WJHSFH conference room, located at 941 North Reeve Boulevard, Anchorage.

Glenn will discuss how the Alaska Regulatory process works and how anglers can submit proposals to the Board of Fisheries to change bag and possession limits, methods and means for fishing, and other regulations. He will also provide tips on how you can increase your effectiveness in influencing fishing regulations that directly impact you! This class will be specifically geared toward sport fishing regulations, although the process to get involved is identical for game (hunting and trapping regulations).

This is a free event for all individuals. Advanced registration is required and space is limited, so sign up early! To register please contact the Anchorage Sport Fish Information Center at (907) 267-2218.