Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Michigan: geese, games, conservation and more in January 'Wildtalk' podcast

Looking for something new to jazz up your daily commute or walk in the woods? Give a listen to the DNR's "Wildtalk" podcast – an opportunity every month to hear from many of the department staff and partners who do their best to take care of Michigan's natural resources and make it easier for the public to enjoy them.

This month's featured guest is Karen Cleveland, who talks about her role as "game biologist" for the DNR and how games actually can teach people in a fun way about the variety of wildlife found in Michigan. Karen helps design games (like the "What in the Wild" card game) that break from traditional learning and give players the chance to explore and make some natural connections on their own.

In addition to that interview, this month's podcast also includes updates on goose hunting, regional reports about license and regulations planning, answers to "mail bag" questions and more.

Questions? Contact the DNR Wildlife Division at 517-284-9453.