Tuesday, January 15, 2019

NMMA Welcomes Florida Governor’s Action on Water Quality Initiatives

Last week, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed Executive Order 19-12 – formally called the Achieving More Now For Florida’s Environment order – with the goal of implementing major reforms to ensure the protection of Florida's environment and water quality. In response, NMMA applauded the governor for acting on these issues, which are top priorities of the recreational boating community.

Specifically, the order calls for $2.5 billion over the next four years for Everglades restoration and protection of water resources – a $1 Billion increase in spending over the previous four years and the highest level of funding for restoration in Florida’s history. Additionally, Governor DeSantis’ established the Blue-Green Algae Task Force, charged with focusing on expediting progress toward reducing the adverse impacts of blue-green algae blooms now and over the next five years.

“Our water and natural resources are the foundation of our economy and our way of life in Florida,” said Governor Ron DeSantis. “The protection of water resources is one of the most pressing issues facing our state. That’s why today I’m taking immediate action to combat the threats which have devastated our local economies and threatened the health of our communities.”

A full list of projects authorized by the executive order is available here: https://www.flgov.com/2019/01/10/governor-ron-desantis-announces-major-water-policy-reforms/

For more information, please contact NMMA senior vice president of government relations and legal affairs, Nicole Vasilaros at nvasilaros@nmma.org.