Thursday, May 9, 2019

CCA Louisiana and Conservation Partners to Begin Construction on Enhancement of “Big Jack’s Reef” in Calcasieu Lake

Coastal Conservation Association (CCA) of Louisiana, Shell Oil Company, Building Conservation Trust (CCA's National Habitat Program), the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF), DLS Energy and Road Rock Recycling will begin construction on the enhancement of Big Jack’s Reef in Calcasieu Lake on Thursday. A media site visit will be held on May 9 at 9 a.m. at Hebert’s Marina, weather permitting.

The original reef, named in honor of the late Jack Lawton, Sr., known by family and friends as “Big Jack,” was built in the summer of 2017. Mr. Lawton, a renowned and beloved business man and philanthropist from the Lake Charles area, was a founding member of CCA Louisiana and the Lake Charles CCA Chapter.

The addition to the reef will be built using a combination of recycled crushed concrete and limestone, placed across 5-6 acres adjacent to the original reef. The material will be arranged in a strategic pattern to maximize tidal flow over the reef and to create elevation contours. This method has proven to be particularly effective in recent reef projects completed by CCA.

Media members are invited to attend the site visit at 9 a.m. on Thursday, May 9. Boats will be available for viewing of the reef installation and project leaders will be available for interviews.


About CCA Louisiana

In its 36th year, CCA Louisiana is the largest marine resource conservation group of its kind in the state. With more than 30,000 members and volunteers in 30 local chapters, CCA has been active in state, national and international fisheries management issues since 1977. for more information.

Contact: David Cresson

(225) 952-9200