Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Vermont: F&W Asks Hunters to Report Wildlife Sightings and Hunting Effort

The Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department is now offering all hunters the opportunity to participate in its annual deer hunter effort survey.

The survey is like a diary, where hunters record how many hours they hunted and how many deer, moose, bears, or other wildlife they saw on each day of the November rifle season. This information helps the department evaluate how hunting pressure and the number of these animals varies throughout the season and around the state.

Vermont Fish & Wildlife has mailed survey cards to several thousand randomly selected hunters each year since 1999. That survey is now being offered for all licensed deer hunters through the Fish & Wildlife website and via a free app.

The app allows hunters to easily collect information in the field, at camp, or at home, even without cell service.

“The information we get from this survey is critically important for the management of deer and moose in Vermont,” said Nick Fortin, Fish and Wildlife’s deer project leader. “If we hear from more hunters, our population estimates will be more reliable and our management will be more effective.”

For more information and to download the app go to www.vtfishandwildlife.com.


VTF&W photo by John Hall


John Hall, Outreach Division

[email] john.hall@vermont.gov

[website] www.vtfishandwildlife.com

Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department

1 National Life Drive, Dewey Bld

Montpelier VT 05620