Friday, March 1, 2019

Arizona: Get Close-Up Views of What Twinkles in the Sky at Oracle State Park


PHOENIX – If you have a sense of curiosity about the night sky, join Arizona State Parks and Trails at Oracle State Park for the next star party.

On Saturday, March 9, 2019, you can gaze at the stars with the several big telescopes provided by the Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association. Some amazing solar system and deep-sky objects are expected to be visible. These include planets, Orion’s Nebula (a star nursery) and other gas clouds, Andromeda Galaxy (2.5 million light years away), double star systems, star clusters and other fascinating objects.

Plus, take a pre-sunset walk along the Nature Trail Loop and enjoy live music featuring various artists along the trail. Experience the beautiful melodies of guitar, mandolin, cello, drums, harmonica, banjo, and flute. Listen as the sound interacts with the high desert, and then feel it touch your soul.

Astronomers will be on site to answer questions and discuss the elements of the night sky as darkness descends. Oracle State Park is designated as an International Dark Sky Park, so it has the perfect conditions for a great night of stargazing. Visitors should meet at the Kannally Visitor Center and bring water, snacks, a red light (to protect everyone’s night vision), sweater or jacket. The cost is Oracle State Park’s Entrance Fee of $7 per vehicle (up to four adults).

WHAT: Star Party and Trail Music at the park!

WHERE: Oracle State Park – 3820 Wildlife Drive, Oracle, Ariz.

WHEN: Saturday, March 9, 2019 from 7 to 9 p.m.


"Managing and conserving Arizona's natural, cultural and recreational resources for the benefit of the people, both in our parks and through our partners."

For information about all 35 Arizona State Parks and Natural Areas, trails, Off-Highway Vehicle Program, and State Historic Preservation Office, call 1-877-MY-PARKS or visit

PRESS CONTACT: Michelle Thompson at (602) 542-1996 - Email: