Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Second Amendment Foundation Congratulates Associate Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett

The Second Amendment Foundation offers its sincere congratulations to newly-sworn Supreme Court Associate Justice Amy Coney Barrett.

“I believe the nation has gained a remarkable addition to the highest court in the land,” said SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb. “We have truly witnessed history in the making, and we are confident her confirmation cements President Donald Trump’s fulfillment of his campaign pledge four years ago to bring balance to the federal courts.”

Justice Barrett’s confirmation came with a 52-48 partisan vote in the U.S. Senate Monday.

“The confirmation of Judge Barrett will help make the Second Amendment great again,” Gottlieb stated.

Gottlieb acknowledged threats from Democrats to stack the high court if Democrat Joe Biden wins the White House Nov. 3. The would-be president has refused to state whether he would try to stack the court, only saying he would make an announcement after the election.

“We’re delighted Senate Republicans stood firm against bullying by anti-gun Democrats to confirm Associate Justice Barrett,” Gottlieb said. “We now have an opportunity to restore the Second Amendment and reverse decades of increasingly restrictive gun control laws that have eroded the right to keep and bear arms.

“We wish Associate Justice Barrett a long, productive and historic tenure on the nation’s highest court,” he concluded. “This is a great moment for the nation, the Constitution and the American people.”