Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Outdoor Indiana magazine features grasslands initiative


Outdoor Indiana magazine features grasslands initiative

Outdoor Indiana magazine’s March/April issue features a cover article on the Grasslands for Gamebirds & Songbirds initiative.


Outdoor Indiana magazine features grasslands initiative

Outdoor Indiana magazine’s March/April issue features a cover article on the Grasslands for Gamebirds & Songbirds initiative.

Grasslands for Gamebirds & Songbirds (GGS) gives qualifying private landowners financial incentives to develop such habitat, which attracts pollinators, and has diminished over the years. The issue also contains features on Project Healing Waters, a fly-fishing and fellowship program for veterans, and Indiana’s ports.

In 2018, Outdoor Indiana was honored by the Association for Conservation Information (ACI) as the third-best state-sponsored conservation/outdoor recreation magazine in the country.

Outdoor Indiana is available now at most Barnes & Noble stores in Indiana for $4. Subscriptions are $15 for one year (six issues, a 38 percent savings off cover) and $28 for two years (12 issues, a 42 percent savings off cover).

Subscribe at innsgifts.com or by calling 317-233-3046. To read article excerpts, go to OutdoorIndiana.org.


Media contact: Marty Benson, DNR managing editor of Outdoor Indiana magazine, 317-233-3853.