ATA Opens With New Look, New Ideas

Jan 10, 2019

When the doors open later this morning, the Archery Trade Show will be rolling out a new logo that they say represents the “rebranding” of the trade association to more accurately reflect their mission.

The new ATA logo is designed to tell the story of the organization and its mission quickly.

It was critical for ATA to mesh all aspects of our industry into a single logo, and we accomplished that,” says ATA’s new CEO/President Matt Kormann, “A year from now, everyone in our industry will know the ATA’s mission, and recognize what we’re doing for bowhunting, target archery and the entire outdoor industry. We’re passionate about this work. Our rebranding represents all those goals at a glance.”

Ben Summers, ATA’s Board Chairman, says the ATA’s new logo accompanies a new, “brief, powerful mission statement” that “embodies the passion and work ethic of it’s members.”

Here’s the entire mission statement: “We exist to inspire growth, increase participation, and preserve the sports of archery and bowhunting.”

According to Summers, the logo (which he calls “bold and creative” is red because that color represents power, and the external broad head and internal field point (which I didn’t “get” when I first saw it) represent both tournament and field archery. That, he says, represents the strength of the organization- and its respective members.

Last night, industry insiders were treated to a sampling of things to come - beginning with “Outtech Innovations” -that company’s twenty-first kickoff to the ATA Show. There, manufacturers, buyers, retailers and media mixed and mingled while Outtech showcased new products for the year.

They were also treated to a concert from country musician Rodney Atkins, “doorbuster promotions” and more.

At the Outtech Innovations celebration (above), ATA attendees got a glimpse of things to come when doors open tomorrow. Meanwhile, invited guests of Ten Point Crossbows were down the hall enjoying a sneak peek at that company's newest offering - their new Nitro XRT, a lightning-fast 470 FPS bow they say produces 190-foot pounds of power and offers a 25% flatter shooting trajectory. Jim Shepherd/OWDN photos.

As the events last night made obvious, there’s a lot of new “stuff” to see at this year’s Archery Trade Association Show, and we’re here to keep you posted.

—Jim Shepherd